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Year of Issue
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  142. 1884 42 items
  143. 1883 50 items
  144. 1882 59 items
  145. 1881 65 items
  146. 1880 47 items
  147. 1879 34 items
  148. 1878 60 items
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  153. 1873 3 items
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  155. 1871 4 items
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  161. 1865 9 items
  162. 1864 22 items
  163. 1863 9 items
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  166. 1860 3 items
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  168. 1858 11 items
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  172. 1854 7 items
  173. 1853 7 items
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  175. 1851 3 items
  176. 1850 5 items
  177. 1837 1 item
  178. 1836 2 items
  179. 1835 1 item
  180. 1834 1 item
  181. 1833 1 item
  182. 1832 1 item
  183. 1829 1 item
  184. 1821 1 item
  185. 1799 1 item
  186. 1792 1 item
  187. 1786 1 item
  188. 1785 1 item
  189. 1784 1 item
  190. 1783 2 items
  191. 1782 2 items
  192. 1781 3 items
  193. 1780 2 items
  194. 1779 2 items
  195. 1778 2 items
  196. 1777 2 items
  197. 1776 2 items
  198. 1775 2 items
  199. 1774 1 item
  200. 1773 1 item
  201. 1772 1 item
  202. 1771 1 item
  203. 1770 1 item
  204. 1769 1 item
  205. 1768 1 item
  206. 1767 1 item
  207. 1766 1 item
  208. 1765 1 item
  209. 1764 1 item
  210. 1763 1 item
  211. 1762 1 item
  212. 1761 1 item
  213. 1760 1 item
  214. (Dates May Vary) 97 items
  215. (Date Our Choice) 80 items
  216. N/A 246 items
  1. 2019 Eagles 4 items
  2. America the Beautiful 3 items
  3. American Liberty 1 item
  4. Ancient Coin 4 items
  5. Angel 2 items
  6. Aztec 4 items
  7. Barber 7 items
  8. Barber Dragon 1 item
  9. Baseball 10 items
  10. Basketball - HOF Series 2 items
  11. Beard Token 1 item
  12. Big 5 22 items
  13. Bitcoin 1 item
  14. Blue Marble 2 items
  15. Brexit 1 item
  16. Britannia 26 items
  17. Bullet 4 items
  18. Buffalo 51 items
  19. Bulk Bags 7 items
  20. Brumby 1 item
  21. Cent 30 items
  22. Civil War 1 item
  23. Classic Superheroes 4 items
  24. Coca-Cola 9 items
  25. Cold Enamel 3 items
  26. Commemorative 76 items
  27. Confederate Note 4 items
  28. Currency Proof 4 items
  29. Czech Lion 2 items
  30. DC Comics 8 items
  31. Dime 12 items
  32. Disney 11 items
  33. Dragon 11 items
  34. Eisenhower 10 items
  35. Elephant 1 item
  36. Equilibrium 1 item
  37. Faces of the Empire 1 item
  38. First Spouse 1 item
  39. Forbidden City 1 item
  40. Franklin 11 items
  41. Germania 17 items
  42. Gods of Olympus 4 items
  43. Gold Bar 20 items
  44. Gold Eagle 57 items
  45. Gold Panda 17 items
  46. Gold Saint Gaudens 3 items
  47. Graded Silver Eagles 33 items
  48. Harry Potter 9 items
  49. Holiday 13 items
  50. Horse 2 items
  51. Hunters by the Night 3 items
  52. Indian Head 38 items
  53. Indian Princess Head 3 items
  54. Innovation Dollar 6 items
  55. James Bond 7 items
  56. Jewelry 1 item
  57. Kangaroo 17 items
  58. Kennedy 15 items
  59. King Charles III Coronation 3 items
  60. Koala 2 items
  61. Kookaburra 6 items
  62. Krugerrand 28 items
  63. Large Cent 4 items
  64. Legacy of Egypt 3 items
  65. Legends of Music 3 items
  66. Libertad 4 items
  67. Liberty Head 24 items
  68. Lion 1 item
  69. Lunar 23 items
  70. Maple Leaf 26 items
  71. Marvel 6 items
  72. Mayflower 1 item
  73. Mint Set 68 items
  74. Moon 1 item
  75. Moon Panda 9 items
  76. Morgan Dollar 522 items
  77. Mythical Creatures 8 items
  78. National Park 3 items
  79. Native American 10 items
  80. Natura 1 item
  81. New Hampshire Goldbacks 8 items
  82. Nevada Goldbacks 7 items
  83. Nickel 16 items
  84. Norse Gods 7 items
  85. Oglala Sioux 13 items
  86. Olympic 4 items
  87. Olympus 3 items
  88. Paper Currency 63 items
  89. Panda 64 items
  90. Peace Dollar 157 items
  91. PEZ 2 items
  92. Philharmonic 1 item
  93. Presidential 5 items
  94. Presidential Medal 24 items
  95. Pride of Two Nations 1 item
  96. Proof Set 117 items
  97. Quokka 2 items
  98. Religious 16 items
  99. Robbins Medal 2 items
  100. Sacagawea 3 items
  101. Saint-Gaudens 2 items
  102. Seated Liberty 9 items
  103. Shipwreck 16 items
  104. Shrek 1 item
  105. Silver Bar 43 items
  106. Silver Round 36 items
  107. Silver Eagle 324 items
  108. Silver Eagle Congratulations Set 1 item
  109. Silver Panda 51 items
  110. Silver Proof Set 7 items
  111. Smithsonian Classics 1 item
  112. Smithsonian Institution 3 items
  113. Sovereign 3 items
  114. Stamp 2 items
  115. Standing Liberty 7 items
  116. Star Trek 3 items
  117. Star Wars 21 items
  118. State Quarter 1 item
  119. Steampunk 1 item
  120. Street Fighter 1 item
  121. Susan B Anthony 3 items
  122. Themed 2 items
  123. Three Cent 1 item
  124. Token 1 item
  125. Trade Dollar 3 items
  126. Tudor Beasts 3 items
  127. Twenty Cent 1 item
  128. Una & the Lion 4 items
  129. Unicorn Vault Protector 1 item
  130. U.S. Armed Forces 9 items
  131. U.S. Mint Sets 6 items
  132. VE Day 1 item
  133. Walking Liberty 31 items
  134. Washington Quarter 10 items
  135. Wedge-Tailed Eagle 20 items
  136. Wild West 2 items
  137. Wombat 1 item
  138. World War I 2 items
  139. World War II 1 item
  140. Year of the Ox 1 item
  141. Zeus 3 items
  142. Year of the Tiger 2 items
  143. Batman 2 items
  144. Tarot Cards 3 items
  145. Mercury Dime 3 items
  146. Magnum Opus 1 item
  147. National Purple Heart Hall of Honor 2 items
  148. Dragons of the World Series 4 items
  149. Queen's Memorial 6 items
  150. Space Themed 6 items
  151. Liberty & Britannia 10 items
  152. Mercanti Lion & Eagle 4 items
Label Type
  1. 20th Anniversary Halo 1 item
  2. 35th Anniversary Eagle 1 item
  3. American Flag 25 items
  4. American Innovation Label 2 items
  5. American Numismatic Association (ANA) 1 item
  6. ANA World’s Fair of Money (Panda) 5 items
  7. Australia 2 items
  8. Big 5 Series 14 items
  9. Britannia 5 items
  10. Brown(standard) 32 items
  11. Buffalo 3 items
  12. Canada 9 items
  13. China Great Wall 9 items
  14. China Pagoda Label 4 items
  15. Dragon 1 item
  16. Early Releases 3 items
  17. Exclusive Heraldic Eagle 37 items
  18. First Day of Issue - Bridge 1 item
  19. First Day of Issue Eagle 6 items
  20. First Day of Issue Blue/Silver 13 items
  21. First Day of Issue Blue/Yellow 2 items
  22. First Day of Issue - Flag 29 items
  23. First Day of Issue - Trolley 1 item
  24. First Releases 45 items
  25. First Strike 4 items
  26. Gold Foil (Exclusive) 11 items
  27. Gold Star 3 items
  28. Great Britain 4 items
  29. Green Label 2 items
  30. GSA - Moy 2 items
  31. Kangaroo (Exclusive) 2 items
  32. Liberty Bell 3 items
  33. Lunar Label 1 item
  34. Mercanti Signature Flag 23 items
  35. Moon Festival Panda 5 items
  36. Pacific Rim 2 items
  37. Panda 22 items
  38. Pride of Two Nations 1 item
  39. Roosevelt 2 items
  40. Silver Star 1 item
  41. Smithsonian Institution 1 item
  42. South African Flag 1 item
  43. Springbok 1 item
  44. Springbok Label 5 items
  45. SS Central America 4 items
  46. Taylor Signature 8 items
  47. Temple of Heaven 1 item
  48. Tong Fang Signature 1 item
  49. Tower Bridge 10 items
  50. Trump 7 items
  51. Tumi Signature 1 item
  52. .999 Silver Eagle 4 items
  53. Honey Mamabolo Signed 1 item
  54. .999 Gold Eagle 3 items
  55. Eagle Label 3 items
  56. Pagoda Label 1 item
  57. Golden Eagle 1 item
  58. Dragons of the World 4 items
  59. Macau Label 2 items
  60. Chinese Zodiac Label 1 item
  61. Chinese Flag 2 items
  62. .999 Silver Tong Signature 7 items
  63. Jody Clark Signature 4 items
  64. Exclusive Morgan Label 28 items
  65. Exclusive Peace Label 28 items
  66. Big Ben Label 1 item
  67. British Flag Label 1 item

Ready to Tackle the Largest Member of the Big 5? First Release of a New Series Salutes the African Elephant.
Africa is home to some of the world’s most powerful and dangerous wild animals. The South African Mint paid tribute to five of the most ferocious members of the group with its first wildlife coin series, Natura, in the 1990s, the Elephant, Lion, Black Rhinoceros, Leopard and Cape Buffalo. The series was a humongous success and had collectors clamoring for more. It took a while, decades actually, but the Mint finally acquiesced and released the Big Five Series I in 2019, with new coin designs honoring Africa’s Big 5 most dangerous, challenging and iconic animals. Once again, collectors could not get enough of these limited-edition coins.

Now, in 2021, the Mint is beginning a second Big Five series — starting with the largest of all land mammals, the African Elephant.

African Elephants Have the Biggest Brains in the Animal Kingdom…
…and they have big hearts too. Literally, since an Elephant’s heart can weigh up to 47 pounds. Elephants are considered noble beasts, renowned not only for their dominance, but for their intelligence and problem-solving skills. But make no mistake, they can also be dangerous, especially mother elephants protecting their young, and the older bulls when they are provoked. Unprovoked, elephants often spend 16 hours of every day eating and drinking – up to 500 pounds of food and 43 gallons of water per day. Female elephants don’t reproduce until they reach the age of 16, after which they can bear up to four baby elephants, with 22-month-long pregnancies. Females spend their lives in tight family groups of grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters and daughters, with the eldest of the group serving as the leader of the herd. Male elephants, on the other hand, may leave the group between the ages of 12 and 15 years old, in search of their next mate. Elephants can live to be 70 years old.

A Design that Captures the Majesty of the African Elephant
The obverse of these coins depicts the massive head of a big bull elephant as if he’s looking down his long trunk at you, his imposing tusks ready for digging, lifting and gathering food. On the lower half of the coin, the legend SOUTH AFRICA is separated from the inscription BIG FIVE 2021 by a small Coat of Arms of South Africa.

The reverse features an ingenious design that includes the image of two halves of an elephant’s profile, side by side . An ear, tusk, eye, and part of the trunk of each of these halves are prominent in this design, which becomes one complete elephant head when two coins are placed next to each other. Place multiple coins next to each other, and a herd is formed. Finally, if you dare, trace your fingers lightly across the rugged design…it almost feels like you’re caressing the torso of a real elephant!

Struck in Gold, Silver and Platinum
These Big 5 Series II Elephant Coins are struck with a shimmering proof finish in one ounce of high-purity 99.99% pure gold (50 Rand South Africa legal tender), one ounce of 99.95% of fine platinum (20 Rand South Africa legal tender) or one ounce of 99.9% fine silver (5 Rand South Africa legal tender). Each of these coins is also available as part of a 3-Pc. Set.

Certified Flawless Proof-70 with a First Day of Issue Pedigree by NGC
Proofs and coins are graded on a 70-point scale, with a grade of 70 representing absolute perfection, even under magnification. There is no higher grade. These proofs have been certified as perfect Proof-70 (PF70) by Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC), one of the top coin-grading services in the world. Not only that, these Proofs have been certified by NGC as First Day of Issue (FDI), meaning they were struck and received by NGC within 24 hours of the mint’s official official release date. First Day of Issue proofs are sought-after because they are fresh and sharp, and because there are so few of them compared to the overall population.

These are not only the best of the best, they’re also the first of the best.

Exclusive Hand-Signed Signature Labels
Each of these perfect, flawless coins comes sonically sealed with an exclusive label with a hand-signed signature from the Director of the South African Mint, Honey Mamabolo.

Extremely Limited Release
If you haven’t already grabbed the phone to secure your 2021 Gold, Platinum and Silver Big 5 Series II African Elephant coins, now is the time to get after it! Only 3,000 silver proofs, only 500 platinum proofs and only 600 gold proofs were minted. And far fewer of each of those mintages have been certified as flawless PF70 condition, with a First Day of Issue pedigree and hand-signed labels.

What that all means is simply this: you’ll want to act fast, so you don’t end up empty-handed.

2021 One-Ounce Gold, Platinum, Silver Big 5 Series II Elephant 3-Proof Set

  • First Release of an All-New Series
  • 3-Pc. Set
    –One Ounce of 99.99% Pure Gold
    –One Ounce of 99.95% Pure Platinum
    –One Ounce of 99.9% Fine Silver
  • Official Legal Tender
  • Innovative Design
  • Certified by NGC as Proof-70 (PF70)
  • Certified by NGC as First Day of Issue (FDI)
  • Labels Hand-Signed by Honey Mamabolo
  • Deluxe Wooden Presentation Case with Big 5 Logo

2021 One-Ounce Gold Big 5 Series II Elephant Proof

  • First Release of an All-New Series
  • One Ounce of Pure Gold
  • Struck in 99.99% Fineness
  • 50 Rand Legal Tender
  • Innovative Design
  • Certified by NGC as Proof-70 (PF70) 
  • Certified by NGC as First Day of Issue (FDI) 
  • Label Hand-Signed by Honey Mamabolo
  • Only 600 Struck

2021 One-Ounce Platinum Big 5 Series II Elephant Proof

  • First Release of an All-New Series
  • One Ounce of Fine Platinum
  • Struck in 99.95% Fineness
  • 20 Rand Legal Tender
  • Innovative Design
  • Certified by NGC as Proof-70 (PF70) 
  • Certified by NGC as First Day of Issue (FDI) 
  • Label Hand-Signed by Honey Mamabolo
  • Only 500 Struck

2021 One-Ounce Silver Big 5 Series II Elephant Proof

  • First Release of an All-New Series
  • One Ounce of Fine Silver
  • Struck in 99.9% Fineness
  • 5 Rand Legal Tender
  • Innovative Design
  • Certified by NGC as Proof-70 (PF70)
  • Certified by NGC as First Day of Issue (FDI)
  • Only 3,000 Struck

Don’t miss out! This release is the start of something BIG. Don’t wait for these majestic Gold, Platinum and Silver Big 5 Series II Elephants in flawless PF70 condition with an FDI pedigree to disappear. Secure yours immediately before our limited allotment has run out forever!

Call 888-870-6339 now!