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  214. (Dates May Vary) 97 items
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  105. Silver Bar 43 items
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  130. U.S. Armed Forces 9 items
  131. U.S. Mint Sets 6 items
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  151. Liberty & Britannia 10 items
  152. Mercanti Lion & Eagle 4 items
Label Type
  1. 20th Anniversary Halo 1 item
  2. 35th Anniversary Eagle 1 item
  3. American Flag 25 items
  4. American Innovation Label 2 items
  5. American Numismatic Association (ANA) 1 item
  6. ANA World’s Fair of Money (Panda) 5 items
  7. Australia 2 items
  8. Big 5 Series 16 items
  9. Britannia 5 items
  10. Brown(standard) 31 items
  11. Buffalo 3 items
  12. Canada 9 items
  13. China Great Wall 8 items
  14. China Pagoda Label 4 items
  15. Dragon 1 item
  16. Early Releases 3 items
  17. Exclusive Heraldic Eagle 37 items
  18. First Day of Issue - Bridge 1 item
  19. First Day of Issue Eagle 6 items
  20. First Day of Issue Blue/Silver 13 items
  21. First Day of Issue Blue/Yellow 2 items
  22. First Day of Issue - Flag 30 items
  23. First Day of Issue - Trolley 1 item
  24. First Releases 45 items
  25. First Strike 3 items
  26. Gold Foil (Exclusive) 11 items
  27. Gold Star 3 items
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  29. Green Label 2 items
  30. GSA - Moy 2 items
  31. Kangaroo (Exclusive) 2 items
  32. Liberty Bell 3 items
  33. Lunar Label 1 item
  34. Mercanti Signature Flag 23 items
  35. Moon Festival Panda 5 items
  36. Pacific Rim 2 items
  37. Panda 22 items
  38. Pride of Two Nations 1 item
  39. Roosevelt 2 items
  40. Silver Star 1 item
  41. Smithsonian Institution 1 item
  42. South African Flag 1 item
  43. Springbok 1 item
  44. Springbok Label 5 items
  45. SS Central America 4 items
  46. Taylor Signature 9 items
  47. Temple of Heaven 1 item
  48. Tong Fang Signature 1 item
  49. Tower Bridge 10 items
  50. Trump 7 items
  51. Tumi Signature 1 item
  52. .999 Silver Eagle 4 items
  53. Honey Mamabolo Signed 1 item
  54. .999 Gold Eagle 3 items
  55. Eagle Label 3 items
  56. Pagoda Label 1 item
  57. Golden Eagle 1 item
  58. Dragons of the World 4 items
  59. Macau Label 2 items
  60. Chinese Zodiac Label 1 item
  61. Chinese Flag 2 items
  62. .999 Silver Tong Signature 7 items
  63. Jody Clark Signature 5 items
  64. Exclusive Morgan Label 28 items
  65. Exclusive Peace Label 28 items
  66. Big Ben Label 1 item
  67. British Flag Label 1 item

Can Something that’s Already Considered the World’s Best Be Improved?
If you’re Coin Investment Trust (CIT), the answer to that question is “Yes!” You just “reload.”

A little over 50 years ago, no one expected a little coin dealer setting up shop in Liechtenstein to become a major player on the world numismatic stage. But that’s what’s happened, thanks to passion, curiosity and clever entrepreneurship, plus a partnership with B.H. Mayer Mint in Bavaria. Pushing the boundaries of coin design, CIT introduced Smartminting® technology in 2016, which allowed dramatic high relief improvement and unsurpassed details, even in larger diameter coins. Then they improved it with Smartminting Reloaded, introduced last year at the 2020 Berlin World Money Fair. This new technology allowed both the obverse and reverse designs of the first coin in a new Wild Mongolia series, the Majestic Eagle, to be struck in ultra-high relief, showcasing elements rising sharply and dramatically off the surface, with amazing, intricate detail that showed off every feather! 

The Second Release in the Series is Here, the Mystic Wolf.
Mongolia’s large wolf population finds an ideal hunting environment in the sweeping landscapes and wide-open valleys of the country that’s landlocked between Russia to the north and China to the south. Wolves can be graceful and peaceful animals, capable of covering great distances when hunting for food, and sometimes reaching speeds of 53 miles an hour. They can also be ferocious killers than inspire fear with their snarling teeth. 

Both of those characteristics of the Mongolian Wolf are captured perfectly on these stunning proofs thanks to the Smartminting Reloaded technology.

An Awe-Inspiring Design
The reverse of these coins displays the wolf in a calm state, transposing a striking side-profile view of a wolf’s face scanning the landscape, in an ultra-high relief image displaying an incredible amount of detail in the fur and facial features. That image is imposed on top of a larger wolf face with a highly focused gaze straight ahead at you, the viewer, in relief and razor fineness that combine to give it an almost ghosted effect. On the other side, the ultra-high relief obverse design pops, the snarling bared fangs of the wolf pushing out from the coin’s surface. 

A Gorgeous Proof Finish, and a Black Proof
In addition to the jaw-dropping Ultra High Relief elements on both sides, the Mystic Wolf is everything you want in a proof. Created specifically for collectors, proofs are struck multiple times to ensure sharp, detailed designs. Plus, they’re expertly crafted from hand-selected planchets (blanks) and polished dies which result in brilliant, mirrored fields and stark, frosted elements.

CIT has taken this yet a step further with the Special Edition Mystic Wolf struck in two ounce Silver. This piece includes the mysterious CIT Black Proof finish. Unlike those seen from other mints that use rhodium or ruthenium to achieve the darkened effect, CIT uses an unknown process to selectively darken the design and further amplify the contrast between frosted and mirrored elements.

Struck in Gold, Platinum, Silver or Copper
You have your choice of individual Mystic Wolf Proofs struck in one ounce 99.99% gold, one-tenth ounce 99.99% gold, one ounce of 99.9% fine silver, two ounces 99.9% silver (Black Proof), three ounces 99.9% silver, or one ounce 99.95% platinum. Or you can secure one of each of these proofs together, plus one struck in 50 Grams 99.9% copper, in a 7-Piece Mystic Wolf Proof Set. Each proof is legal tender in Mongolia.

Certified Flawless PF70 and First Day of Issue by NGC
Proofs and coins are graded on a 70-point scale, with a grade of 70 representing absolute perfection, even under magnification. These are the grades most sought-after by collectors. These Mystic Wolf Proofs have been certified as perfect Proof-70 (PF70) by Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC), one of the top coin-grading services in the world. Each proof has also received a First Day of Issue (FDI) pedigree. The FDI pedigree means these coins were struck before the first release date. First Day of Issue proofs are sought-after because they are fresh and sharp, minted early, and because there are so few of them compared to the overall population. 

These proofs are not only the best of the best, they’re the first of the best. 

Low Mintages Already Sold Out at the Mint
These Mystic Wolf Proofs have highly limited worldwide mintages including 5,000 of the 50-Grams Copper, 2,500 of the one-ounce Silver, 999 of the two-ounce Silver Black Proof, 500 of the three-ounce Silver and just 199 of the one-ounce Platinum and the one-ounce Gold, which helps explain why five of the seven proofs quickly sold out at the Mint. Far fewer of these proofs are available in perfect PF70 condition, pedigreed as First Day of Issue. What it all means is that if you don’t want to wind up empty-handed, you’ll want to act fast.

2021 Mongolia One Ounce Gold Mystic Wolf Proof UHR PF70 FDI

  • One-Ounce 99.99% Pure Gold
  • Ultra-High Relief Design on Both Sides
  • 25,000 Tögrög Legal Tender
  • Perfect Proof-70 (PF70) Grade
  • Certified First Day of Issue (FDI) by NGC
  • Diameter is 33 mm
  • Edition Limit of 199 Worldwide
  • Limited Availability

2021 Mongolia One Ounce Platinum Mystic Wolf Proof UHR PF70 FDI

  • One-Ounce 99.95% Fine Platinum
  • High Relief Design on Both Sides
  • 25,000 Tögrög Legal Tender
  • Perfect Proof-70 (PF70) Grade
  • Certified First Day of Issue (FDI) by NGC
  • Diameter is 33 mm
  • Edition Limit of 199 Worldwide
  • Limited Availability

2021 Mongolia One Tenth Ounce Gold Mystic Wolf Proof UHR PF70 FDI

  • One-Tenth Ounce 99.99% Pure Gold
  • Ultra-High Relief Design on Both Sides
  • 1,000 Tögrög Legal Tender
  • Perfect Proof-70 (PF70) Grade
  • Certified First Day of Issue (FDI) by NGC
  • Diameter is 16.5 mm
  • Edition Limit of 999 Worldwide
  • Limited Availability

2021 Mongolia Three-Ounce Silver Mystic Wolf Proof UHR PF70 FDI

  • Three Ounce 99.9% Fine Silver
  • Ultra-High Relief Design on Both Sides
  • 2,000 Tögrög Legal Tender
  • Perfect Proof-70 (PF70) Grade
  • Certified First Day of Issue (FDI) by NGC
  • Diameter is 45 mm
  • Edition Limit of 500 Worldwide
  • Limited Availability

2021 Mongolia Two-Ounce Silver Mystic Wolf Proof UHR PF70 FDI

  • Two Ounce 99.9% Fine Silver
  • Black Proof Finish
  • Ultra-High Relief Design on Both Sides
  • 1,000 Tögrög Legal Tender
  • Perfect Proof-70 (PF70) Grade
  • Certified First Day of Issue (FDI) by NGC
  • Diameter is 38.61 mm
  • Edition Limit of 999 Worldwide
  • Limited Availability


2021 Mongolia One-Ounce Silver Mystic Wolf Proof UHR PF70 FDI

  • One Ounce 99.9% Fine Silver
  • Ultra-High Relief Design on Both Sides
  • 500 Tögrög Legal Tender
  • Perfect Proof-70 (PF70) Grade
  • Certified First Day of Issue (FDI) by NGC
  • Diameter is 38.61 mm
  • Edition Limit of 2,500 Worldwide
  • Limited Availability

2021 Mongolia 50 Grams Copper Mystic Wolf Proof UHR PF70 FDI

  • 50 Grams 99.9% Copper
  • Ultra-High Relief Design on Both Sides
  • 250 Tögrög Legal Tender
  • Perfect Proof-70 (PF70) Grade
  • Certified First Day of Issue (FDI) by NGC
  • Diameter is 38.61 mm
  • NGC PF70 FDI Population of 10 Worldwide
  • Limited Availability

Availability for these Mystic Wolf Proofs created using CIT’s state-of-the-art Smartminting Reloaded technology, in perfect PF70 condition, with a First Day of Issue pedigree, is extremely limited. Don’t miss out. Secure yours now by

calling 888-870-6339!


P.S. These flawless Mystic Wolf Proofs with the prestigious First Day of Issue designation are only available from us. Secure yours right this minute before they’re gone.